Saturday, January 3, 2009

Sunny Winter Day

This is Cleveland, Ohio where we have so few sun-days
that in my younger years, solar wasn't cost efficient.
It was cold and sunny this afternoon.

Cold isn't that unusual; sun is, so we grabbed our cameras and headed for the car, the dogs leading the way, happy to be off on an adventure.

We debated our route downtown, made a decision and almost immediately had to pull off to make an adjustment to his camera. No problem, we'd head to Lake Erie first via MLK formerly Liberty Boulevard.

It turned out that lots of people had the same idea and there were many photos taken near the East 55 Street Marina of pretty much the same thing.
Fortunately, for each one of us, the sights were unique. But we all got out of our cars, cameras in hand to see what we could capture in the warm sun and cold air.
This was probably the most photographed bench in Cleveland that day.

Lake Erie, sunshine and ice
We're so used to trees as sparkling ice princesses but not other plants. While we could walk on the grass, Lake Erie had frozen itself to the plants which had the courage to remain for winter.

The gulls - an ever present Lake Erie sight - rested on the ice film
... occasionally taking flight - apparently to jockey for position - we never saw them fishing.

Just as the gulls - hundreds upon hundreds - had settled on the thin ice in the harbor, the Canada Geese watched from in quiet dignity from the grass.
They sat quietly in seeming contemplation.
Were they preparing for a migration but enjoying a last few days in Cleveland before taking flight down the Atlantic flyway ...?
Or will they winter here with their mates?
Was Cleveland their winter destination?
Steve says it is their winter home.
The dogs were eager to ask them but they were only passengers that day and we were reluctantly ready to move on. . . and after a quick hunt for batteries for his camera . . .

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